
The 8 Best Acrylic Paints for Artists in 2023 (October)

This article is a complete guide to help artists choose the acrylic paint brands and sets that work best for their work, keeping in mind what aspects they need to explore before choosing the right acrylic paint.  The main selection criteria for how to choose acrylic paint include pigment, quality, viscosity, and permanence.  We will …

The 8 Best Acrylic Paints for Artists in 2023 (October) Read More »

The 6 Best Paper for Painting With Acrylics in 2023 (October)

When thinking about acrylic we all seem to have that picture-perfect image in our heads: big easel, canvas, and a palette that’s basically a rainbow explosion. But let’s hit pause for a second. Canvas are… well, expensive. Not everybody can allow themselves the luxury of learning using multiple canvases, and while you can always use …

The 6 Best Paper for Painting With Acrylics in 2023 (October) Read More »

The 5 Best Laptops for Adobe Photoshop in 2023 (October)

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular software for photo editing, photo manipulation, concept art, digital art, and illustration. Though there are many more uses and other software for digital art, Photoshop has been able to hold its ground as the industry standard for many years already. Thankfully, many laptops can run Photoshop, so if you …

The 5 Best Laptops for Adobe Photoshop in 2023 (October) Read More »